Reinhabited dwellings, A series of paintings on appropriated structures. What is the lifetime of a home compared to the human lifespan? If Shirley Jackson has taught me anything, it is that homes have an undeniable presence. In these paintings I am creating new narratives that interact with selected Cat’s Meow historic homes and places.
When we were sent home from work and school in March of 2020, I found myself looking for words of wisdom. I made lists of words that inspired or soothed me. In some of the paintings, the words encased the homes like protective spells. Other times the words written 50 to 100 years ago sound as relevant as ever.
When we were sent home from work and school in March of 2020, I found myself looking for words of wisdom. I made lists of words that inspired or soothed me. In some of the paintings, the words encased the homes like protective spells. Other times the words written 50 to 100 years ago sound as relevant as ever.